The second Annual meeting of the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia (NIAA) will cover a broad range of NIAA-related research activities, including the Health Services Research Centre (HSRC) and ?big data? agenda. There will also be an update on the work of the UK Perioperative Medicine Clinical Trials Network, one year after its launch, and a session on anaesthesia within the NIHR Clinical Research Network portfolio.

Lecture titles include:

  • The current trials network portfolio
  • CTN Chief Investigator scheme
  • Innovative Trial Methodology
  • Academic training development for the future
  • NIHR: the next 10 years
  • HSRC overview
  • Big data and the HSRC
  • Using data for improvement
  • Evaluating PQIP

Professor Sir Nick Black and Professor Stephen Smye OBE are just a few of the many renowned experts speaking on the day.

The programme also includes the NIAA Research Award, which is open to all research active investigators of anaesthesia, critical care, perioperative medicine and pain within the UK who are engaged in a higher degree programme. Shortlisted finalists will be invited to present their work at the meeting.

Prospective applicants for the award should submit an abstract based on a clear, evidence based research question. For more information on how to apply for the Research Award including criteria, please click here. The closing date for applications is 5pm, Monday 13th March 2017.

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