We request that your project proposal contains the following information to aid our assessment of your submission:

  1. Aims and Background
    Please detail the appropriate hypothesis and background in the introduction to your submission
  2. Project Design & Outcomes
    Your project should anticipate clear outcomes, and the design should be capable of delivering the outcomes sought. Please provide an outline of how you would like data collected, stored, managed and suggest the intended analysis. The detailed data management plan should also encompass information governance.
  3. Preliminary Work
    Please detail any preliminary work/pilot studies/previous projects that have taken place, and how these have informed the project design for the suggested project. This should include any changes in the methodology that have resulted from factors that were highlighted in the pilot studies.
  4. Feasibility of Project
    Please describe how your project will be logistically feasible in terms of data collection, staffing, time and materials.
  5. Outcomes & Impact
    The potential outcomes and impact of the project should be clearly set out including planned publications which should adhere to the AARMY constitution. If appropriate, the project submission should include plans for knowledge dissemination and ongoing engagement.
  6. Value of the Collaboration
    The potential outcomes in new knowledge and contribution to practice should be clearly identifiable and worth the necessary resources required to carry out the project. The proposal should clearly outline why the collaboration is required in order to produce the project outputs.

Review Process

Project submission will be reviewed by the AARMY committee and further review and advice might be sought from other research collaboratives. Applicants will be notified promptly of any decisions reached together with feedback on the proposal.

Any further questions should be emailed to aarmyorkshire@gmail.com.

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