Welcome to the latest update from AARMY!

After a difficult year with COVID-19, and a temporary hiatus, AARMY has been back up and running with some exciting new projects in the region. With operating theatres starting to increase capacity again we are involved in an exciting new project looking at colorectal surgery. Conferences are also starting to get going, including the Yorkshire Anaesthetic Trainees conference.

New Addition

We have welcomed the addition of Shaminder Olney to the AARMY committee. Shaminder will be taking over from Andy Chamberlain as IT Lead. Following her role as simulation fellow at St James’ University Hospital, she has started her ACCS training in Airedale.
Other than being our new IT lead Shaminder also enjoys needle crafts, spending time with her cat and a cup of tea and is getting started with running.

Andy Chamberlain has been excellently leading the AARMY IT since 2015, putting a huge amount of work, especially to our website, for which we are all really grateful. He has now achieved his CCT and we look forward to his continued support as a consultant in York.


Yorkshire Cancer Research Bowel Cancer Improvement Programme (YCRBCIP): Baseline audit of peri-operative care for Bowel Cancer Patients

We are currently actively involved in a pan-Yorkshire deanery audit looking to understand the peri-operative pathways available across our region. The project surveys existing pathways and is additionally collecting anonymised peri-operative patient data. We currently have sites up and running across all of Yorkshire, with the exception of Pinderfields. The project went live on 10th of May and is making good progress. Thank you to everyone involved.


COVIDSurg Week is an international, observational cohort study which took place to determine what the optimal time of surgery following SARS-CoV2 infection.
Sites were run in Grimsby, LGI, Huddersfield, Harrogate, Hull and York. We’d like to thank everyone who participated to the project for all their hard work.
Results have already started to be published, including in the Lancet, British Journal of Surgery and the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Key findings included that pulmonary complications occurred in 50% of patients with peri-operative SARS-COV-2. Male patients over 70 years of age were noted to have a particularly high mortality risk.


CEA Project Update

The CEA project aims to examine peri-operative blood pressure monitoring and management in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy in order intially understand regional attitudes to blood pressure control in the peri-operative period.
The project has recruited over 100 patients. With the recruitment target hit, analysis of the data is currently ongoing. Part of the data has being presented at the supra-regional day held jointly between Yorkshire and Lancashire in Manchester on the 14th of May.


Want a hand getting an idea off the ground or expanding a project? We can help!

Get in touch at aarmyorkshire@gmail.com


Unfortunately we continue to see a knock on effect from covid with many meetings cancelled, however there are meetings starting up again, many in virtual or hybrid formats, giving more flexible options to attend!

Anaesthesia 2021 (18th-20th May 2021)

This meeting will take place completely online, with access to watch until 17 June 2021. The conference programme includes sessions on perioperative care, quality improvement, oncology, anaesthesia and the brain and new frontiers. Additionally there will also be updates on NAP7 and the PRISM trial. Breakout session workshops are available for live attendees to tailor their day.

Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Conference (8-9th July 2021)

Taking place in hybrid format with the option of attending in Newcastle or virtually online, with access online to material up to 3 months after the event the Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Conference is aiming to maximise flexibility. The programme will include updates on anaesthesia but also include sessions on exams, sustainability and well being.

Yorkshire Anaesthetic Trainee Conference 2021 (8th October 2021)

The YAT 2021 conference has just been announced for the 8th October and will be hosted by Sheffield this year. There’s no official date for abstracts just yet, but they will be likely be
opening for submissions around mid July. There will be prizes for posters and presentations. We will keep the website updated as we hear more!

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