The AARMY committee would like to update you on the current region-wide audit and research work we have been doing, and inspire you to join us!

Our website has more details of past and ongoing activity, but highlights include the recent CVC complications audit which took place in hospitals across East and West Yorkshire, with 487 patients recruited. It was well timed to coincide with the new AAGBI CVC insertion guideline and is currently in the write-up stage. This project will become even more of a hot topic with an ICU NAP national study on CVC currently being planned.

AARMY has recently had it’s first project selected to be run nationally through all the regional groups. This will be on de-labelling of penicillin allergy in the elective surgical population, and is a huge achievement for the steering group led by Bev Parker and AARMY as a whole.

AARMY is also running the first Yorkshire Anaesthetic Research Symposium on the 28th September in the education centre at Hull Royal Infirmary. A number of nationally renowned speakers will be present who will be covering a range of topics within research. As we have been awarded NIAA funding for this, it will be offered at the subsidised price of £30 for the day.

Taking part in our local and national projects helps with ARCP/CV evidence of audit participation and attendance at the symposium in September covers many aspects of Annex G of the RCoA curriculum. Being part of the committee will give you management and leadership experience to talk about and being lead for a regional or national project (with the back-up of the RAFT an AARMY committees as well as consultant supporters) is a great way to learn about clinical research.

Read enough to be enthused? We are one of the most active research and audit groups in the country and have an excellent network of consultant supporters. Some of the current committee are coming up to CCT however, and we are inviting keen trainees to join us in a number of committee roles.

Posts up for appointment are: –

  1. Vice-chair – This will be held in conjunction with the current chair, an academic trainee with lots of experience of AARMY and clinical research. The chair steers the group and promotes it at a national level, so does require time to fulfil these functions.
  2. Treasurer – Manages the organisation accounts, collates receipts and provides data for audit if required, takes responsibility for paying invoices in conjunction with the outgoing treasurer and monitors the availability of organisation funds.
  3. A role on the infrastructure team – Two people currently look after the website, communications list, newsletter and field queries. We would like another person to join them to share out the work.

Following the research symposium on the 28th September, we will hold an AARMY AGM, to which all East and West trainees are invited and at which we will introduce our new committee members. With this in mind, please let us know (to the email address below) by 17:00 on the 26th August if you are interested in one of the above committee roles to allow time for selection and appointments to be made. We need to know your full name and the stage of training you are at as well as which hospital you will be in after the August 2016 rotation. A brief statement (no more than half a side of A4 max) including why you would like to take up the role and any relevant experience would be helpful; no experience of either research and networks is needed or expected but it helps us with allocating roles within the committee and similarly knowing what stage of training you’re at helps us with future planning.

Best wishes and we hope to see you at the research symposium,

Please send interest in committee roles or any queries to:

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