After a Covid-19 induced hiatus, AARMY are back with a new project; Globalsurg- CovidSurg Week.  This is an international, observational cohort study which aims to determine the optimum timing for surgery following SARS-CoV2 infection. AARMY have had an excellent response from our trainee base and they will be working hard along with our surgical colleagues to roll-out this project across North, West and East Yorkshire. 

Background and Premise

CovidSurg Week is a follow up to CovidSurg which examined the outcomes of surgery in patients with known Covid-19 infection. It found that 24% of such patients died within 30 days of surgery. Its main limitation was a lack of comparators during this time. The main recommendation was that thresholds for surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic should be higher than during normal practice, particularly in men aged 70 years and older.

CovidSurg Week aims to determine what factors predict increased risk for surgical patients and define more clearly where the threshold for surgery should be set. With the pandemic showing no signs of abating over the winter months, it is clear we must find a way to continue to provide surgery for those who need it in as safe a way as possible.

Participating Hospitals

SitePrinciple InvestigatorSite LeadCollaborators
Diana Princess of Wales Hospital (Grimsby)Dr A. MitraDr Claudia DyballDr Stephen McAleer
Leeds General InfirmaryProf S. HowellDr Sophie EarlDr Priya Shankar
Dr Alexander Spyridouli
Dr James Wright 
Dr Raquel Duarte
Huddersfield Royal InfirmaryDr M. BeadleDr Sean HowellsDr Pete Davies
Dr Laura Deacon
Dr Michael Biggs
Dr Phillipa Beesley
Dr Megan Oldbury
Harrogate District HospitalDr. A KantDr Matthew WrightDr Ollie Cohen 
Dr Chris I’Anson
Hull Royal InfirmaryDr. J HowesDr Sameera KhaliqDr Abiraimi Kannipian
Dr Dwarakesh Thalamati
Dr Ali Cairns
Dr Andy Quinn
Dr Alice Ball
Dr Andrew Parrish
Dr Mithila Govindaraju
Dr Gautam Modak
Dr Sandhya Od
York HospitalDr. K HendersonDr Alexandra HamshereDr Nelson Kamali                  
Dr Rebecca Ireson                
Dr Radu Chirvasuta              
Dr Barbara Ribeiro                
Dr Mohamed Ashiq             
Dr Alistair Savage                  
Dr Paul Swift                           
Dr Abigail Lau            

AARMY would like to thank those participating for their enthusiasm and organisational skills during the delivery of this project. Thanks also to Bradford and Pinderfields Hospitals who are unable to run the project due to Covid pressures. 

For more information, visit

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