Dear AARMY Member, we are sorry to inform you that, due to late speaker cancellations, we feel it would be best to postpone the upcoming meeting for a future date. We have not taken this decision lightly , particularly as we know how much many of you were looking forward to it. AARMY wants to provide the most useful and worthwhile meeting for you as possible, packed with speakers with a wealth of experience. As such, we would rather put back the date of the meeting, than disappointing you on the day.

Don’t be disheartened, the Symposium will be going ahead at a future date! This will be decided by the committee over the next few months and you will be the first to hear.

I will shortly be issuing refunds to everyone who has paid via PayPal.

Should you have any questions, please email us at and we will respond as soon as possible.

Once again we are sorry for having to postpone the meeting, but thank you for your continued support of AARMY.

Best Wishes


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