The annual Yorkshire Anaesthetists in Training (YAT) conference invited us to present our latest project updates to anaesthetic trainees from across Yorkshire.

It took place on Friday 28th September at the Hilton Hotel, York.

The talk focussed on: –

  • What AARMY is and it’s role within the region and nationally
  • RAFT
  • Upcoming projects
  • Annex G opportunities

Our work is having an increasing impact in a number of ways. The inaugural Anaphylaxis under GA project has been cited many times, including by NAP6. Complications of CVC Insertion was published in anaesthesia too. Both of these journals have impact factors of > 5 (at the time of writing) which is great for a trainee network to be publishing in such highly regarded international journals.

Also, DALES was an AARMY nominated project to RAFT.

Thanks to everyone who listened. We had a number of new sign-ups at the event which was excellent.

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