Next Meeting: Anaesthesia Research 2019 : a joint meeting of the BJA Forum  in partnership with the NIAA incorporating: the UK Perioperative Medicine Clinical Trials Network (POMCTN), the Health Services Research Centre (HSRC) and Experimental and Discovery Medicine. The meeting will feature a mixture of plenary sessions and dedicated workstreams so that all research-aware and research-active anaesthetists can gain maximum value across both days.

2nd & 3rd December 2019, Principal Hotel, York. NOTE: For this meeting only, registration is via the Royal College of AnaesthetistsClick here to register

Abstracts should be submitted via this website as usual. Submit an abstract 

The ARS and the British Journal of Anaesthesia  jointly run high quality scientific meetings with a focus on current research from anaesthesia and its related disciplines. BJA Research Forum meetings take place twice a year, in London in the Spring and elsewhere in the UK in the Winter. Meetings will have open abstract submissions and themed invited lecturers.

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BJA Research Forum Spring Meeting – Abstract Deadline Extended

This year's spring meeting will be held on 30th & 31st May 2018 at the Royal College of Anaesthetists, Red Lion Square, London. 10 CME points have been applied for. The meeting will include keynote lectures and research presentations. Abstracts are particularly welcome from Anaesthesia Trainee Research Groups and RAFT.