We have been busy behind the scenes to create a website that you can get the most out of. More and more is being added each week – from accessing online GCP training to learning more about what AARMY is involved with.

You may have noticed that the website has been unavailable from time to time, and for this we apologise. It’s so we can bring you the latest from AARMY central!

What’s New…

  • Start discussions about news items you have read on the AARMY site.
  • Find your local lead quickly using our interactive map.
  • Read articles about our projects, past and present.
  • Find out who is on the AARMY committee.
  • Learn about upcoming events of interest.
  • Share your AARMY experience on social media/

Coming Soon

We are hoping to bring you some new features over the next few weeks / months.

  • An online project proposal submission for those who want to take their projects regionally, or even nationally.
  • Register for news updates when they come out – hot off the press!
  • A members area where you can contribute to projects, download certificates of participation and more.
  • Discuss projects, Annex G, problems, and tips on our interactive forum.
  • And much more…!

These changes will be rolled out over the coming weeks so stay tuned!

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BJA Research Forum 2018
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BJA Research Forum Spring Meeting – Abstract Deadline Extended

This year's spring meeting will be held on 30th & 31st May 2018 at the Royal College of Anaesthetists, Red Lion Square, London. 10 CME points have been applied for. The meeting will include keynote lectures and research presentations. Abstracts are particularly welcome from Anaesthesia Trainee Research Groups and RAFT.

Anaesthetic Syringes
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Sign Up Now!

Welcome to the new August 2019 starters! Why not sign up to AARMY today for the latest project news.