Welcome to all the new anaesthetics trainees, and welcome back to those who are rotating!

One thing you will learn during your training is that Quality Improvement Projects (QIPs, formally Audits), and research, play a key role in your training and ARCPs. These are known as Annex G requirements.

You can get a head start on this by joining AARMY. Just fill out the form below and you will be added to our growing mailing list. We will contact you about projects happening in the region, as well as at your local hospital. You will also be first to hear about special events.

Fill out the form below now!

Welcome to Team Anaesthesia!

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Attitudes Towards Perioperative Medicine

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BJA Research Forum Spring Meeting – Abstract Deadline Extended

This year's spring meeting will be held on 30th & 31st May 2018 at the Royal College of Anaesthetists, Red Lion Square, London. 10 CME points have been applied for. The meeting will include keynote lectures and research presentations. Abstracts are particularly welcome from Anaesthesia Trainee Research Groups and RAFT.

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We’re Back!

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